August 27, 2020
LISTEN: Paula Hian Featured on "Genius Design Transcends Time" Podcast

Listen to Paula Hian on the “Genius Design Transcends Time” podcast with host, Andrea Alexa Smith, as they discuss everything from how high quality leads to a less is more mentality, to Paula‘s own personal style. “Genius Design Transcends Time” focuses on how fashion impacts all aspects of health.
In today's episode Paula Hian and Andrea Alexa Smith talk about fashion, quality design and following the creative visions and dreams of your youth, and using technology to carry it out. Paula talks about the creative process, the importance of artisan craftsmanship, and the influence of art and architecture in her designs. Paula and Andrea discuss how Paula's visions brought her ahead of her times. Paula molds the past, present and future fusing heritage craftsmanship and precision technology to create original works of art.

Paula Hian feature in Standard Magazine (above).

Taylor Momsen as Jenny Humphrey on Gossip Girl wearing a Paula Hian dress (above, left).